Monday, August 19, 2013

Nuclear Meltdowns

In standard English Format, I attempted to use tabs in blogger, but was saddened to find that my Tab key does not work in this text box.  Anyways, this morning, I had a near complete meltdown as the stress of the fact that I did not manage to get everything I needed to get done this weekend done.  I sat at my desk for about 5-10 minutes completely motionless as I tried to get a hold of myself and shrug off the stress.  In the end, the student that sits next to me prayed for me, and asked god to help me get through the day.  I had no issues for the rest of the day, (Mainly because I managed to get most of my stuff done before classes) and I continued on pretty fine.  After arriving at home, I was rather tired and took most of the afternoon off, although I signed up for and  All in all, it's been a rather productive day, and I look forward to its end.